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Earthsongwave New Moon Council Rising Thursday 23 April, 1-3pm BST

Earth's WildSong Lovers Following my previous 'Confluence in Sound Waves' reflections, l 'm writing to invite you to this never before heard gathering arising from Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus this year: to meet each New Moon; to listen and feel together through the year for such notes Earth is singing in this liminal space between old cycles and new risings. I imagine this could be something we are all listening/attuning for in our own ways already. This particular offering is to wonder what may arise in opening a sacred space for being together around the Earth for 2 hours a month. To hold/share time to be curious; to listen for whatever wild sounds, notes, songs, words, want to be voiced, moved, brought forth through us. What if specific patterns and notes, or who knows what/who, may become visible/audible. What might the effect of such sacred listening and sounding be, and what if such a way, for example, through the Deep Imagination, through making our offerings, makes a difference in this Holy moment. You may also know other humans who might be interested. If so, please invite them in. If you are unfamiliar with Council it is a sacred space to be together in circle (or imaginar-e circle) as a way of remembering more deeply who we are in a world otherwise steeped in fragmented mirrors, to listen and speak from the heart. A virtual talking piece is passed on from one to another around the world; only the person holding the talking piece will speak as authentically as we can. The deeper each of us are willing to show up, the clearer the mirror and the possibility of opening/being/see through even the mirror to deeper mysteries. How deeply are you longing to show up? How deeply are you willing to be surprised at what comes spilling from your lips, from Earth's lips?  The Council will start at 1pm BST which means this is early in the USA and late in Australia. I'm hoping the time works for one day a month, and l'm also willing to explore different times in future to make possible as many people to participate. The first Earthsongwave Council is in just a week so do let me know if this offering is something that sings to you and respond either through link below or on a previous Earthsongwave Wild Orchestra thread, let's say by Sunday 19th April. Do let me know if you are 'in' but not able to make Thursday's date with Earth, Sun, New Moon, and other WildEarthsong folk and you can be held in this Earthsongwave New Moon Council stave for future dates. Also let me know if you have any particular ideas or ways your Muse would like to sing/voice/move here. I will be sending further details before we meet. Note there are already people gathering here from Australia, UK and USA. As part of Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus, this Earthsongwave New Moon Council is free as a gift to nourish Earth.  Love, Love, Love Wendy “A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease.” John Muir Image: Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus, Doug Van Houten (C)

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